Sunday, October 13, 2013


I wish I could make you understand that I'm not sharing with you because I'm religious. More than most things, I don't want to be religious. I share bc I care about you. 

I see so many people push away this life and answer because they've had a bad experience with people who've shared this truth wrong. 

I remember the day we put our hands on you. It was upstairs by the window and you were sobbing and bleeding and hoping it was different from last time. You heart was soft and open then. And God heard us. And now you have a lil boy. 

Jesus. The name people cringe at and silence. Jesus the one who can set us free eternally. Jesus who took all of your bad on himself and died and burried it so you could be free. Jesus who knew God the Father and knew his love for us and knew we must come to him clean and without sin. Jesus who agreed to love you enough to die for you and leave bliss to walk with us and teach us how to love each other and the world and not throw the first stone. Jesus. The name who taught me about no matter what kind of love. Jesus who paid for me so I'm a daughter of a King not a slave to this world. Jesus who taught me what humility truly is. Jesus who I want to follow. If you don't know who he is, ask. Search. Seek. He name is not appalling, it is life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just found this blog by chance as I was scrolling through between classes. It is so refreshing to hear these words today. Sometimes it's hard to see that Jesus gives us hope and we don't have to worry anymore because of what he did for us. Thank you for reminding me of that today!