Sunday, July 21, 2013

I asked God to show me once how much 
How much
He loves me

He showed me a picture of bushels and bushels and bushels of apples they didn't stop coming they filled up the house 

I asked him again how much how much he loved me 

And there I was in a field running trying to find a hole somewhere in the ground in his love some hang up that might keep my out but the land the field kept rolling it  never stopped and that was a picture of his great love for me

I asked him for another picture of his great love for me

And it was I basking in the ocean I could not see the shore the waves could have swallowed me whole yes this

This was a picture of his great love for me
And now I take him at his word
I hold him to it 

I am so undeserving and yet his promise remains

I believe. 

1 comment:

J.K. English said...

if love is an ocean we're all sinking.

I love this post. what a great reminder. thank you for the word pictures. I guess I don't think enough about how much He loves me for no reason, and even big at that.