Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear Pepper.

Remember when we met? you had those big bangs and that big personality. that readiness for the world. do you understand that you are different from most people? set apart, I'd say. God has given you a calling that your shoes, your skin, your eyes, you only specifically fill. And, he will bring those things to completion. He will bring your legs into them. They are not something you will have to fight for to find to accomplish. You were intentionally designed for them and they are designed for you.

You are like Jasmine on Aladdin. I have told you this before. You're beautiful. When you walk in a room, dang its like a firework or an explosion that is appealing. It has been hard sometimes (it is still hard sometimes and in that I humble myself and say that I'm sorry) because sometimes you are so wonderful in a room that I can feel small. (That is my fault and something that Jesus speaks to me about.) But I must remember in those times, in my insecurity, that my value is not based on being seen, on being known, but on who Christ has made me to be, and it is then that you, my friend, you, I get to love in all of your glory that produces glory to God. Because you're so beautiful Jana. You, I get to watch a long with the others as if I did not previously know you, as if I am experiencing you for the first time. And I can watch and applaud as well. Like the first time I met you.

I love to watch you live out your dreams. do you know that God has recently taught me something through you? SO! I have to share! :) You are faithful, Pepper, to live out your dreams in the capacity that you can. You don't give a rip if its just YouTube, Dog-gone-it, God has given you a desire for food, for people, for performance, and you are going to have that darn cooking show. You're going to write. You're going to have a baby if its in your heart to do it. You're going to sing. (For Him!) I see your talents, even though you always call them baby, I dont think that God calls them or sees them as baby talents, I think He sees them on a very large scale. He compares them to no one else because you are doing them to the best of your ability, in excellence, and He is so pleased! like a Daddy watching His Son play a sport. You make God smile.

You have taught me something, Jasmine. You have taught me that the heart that God's given you, those things that you love? they are enough. You don't have to press past them. You allow new things to bloom when God plants seeds, but you don't pretend to love washing dishes and be good at cooking until it comes, like a new dream or whisper, and when it does, When God presents it to you like a gift, you take it on well. Not like a duty or a burden. I love you for your honesty. your straight-up-ness.

You are like Jazz. Jazz music. you are dynamic. You inspire me. And to have a friend like you is like owning a field of good produce, or, a vineyard of wine that will last me a lifetime cause someday, those rocking chairs are coming out and you'll have dark skin and gray hair and I'll probably be fat and it will be you and me, and you'll probably still tell everyone that I'm so hot and that all the boys like me and you'll probably still yell at boys for checking me out in the mall (we'll probably be mall walkers, eh?) It will just be you and I, we've always said that, we just know it. Can't wait to spend all of eternity with you J.

So, this has been on my heart to write, to bless you, to inspire you. So:

Blessings on your talents, your hands and your heart. May God make them produce more so that He can be glorified through His daughter.. you... Jana Kay.

love you,


J.K. English said...

Oh Chelsea. you make my heart swell and maybe even a couple tears squeezed down my throat. I love you and thank you so much for blessing me this way. I am honored.

J.K. English said...

i just wanted to come back, because someone reminded me of this post, and it blessed my heart all over again. I am so hunmbled to have such an amazing friend like you, chelsea. for someone like you, who I think is larger than life, to notice me and lift me up, well, it's just more than I can say.
Love you so much, chelsea michal gentry,

J.K. English said...

But I came back yet again, because every time I read this, it lifts me up and makes my heart sing a song of thankfulness, for you, for Jesus, and how He can use the loud mouth bass for his glory. I love you so much and I love you for writing this and I love that you and I are still swell friends 2 husbands and 3 kiddos later. You bless me and I bless God for you.