Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 5. Thank you Jesus

thank you for:

1. the knowledge that God is in the small things... conflict can be used for growth. hesitancy toward something, can be Him saying, "wait, listen, reflect, I have something else for you..." or, "let me teach you something through this."

2. Grief, even grief, can be redeemed into beauty. (praying for Charity and the girls today on another short run.)

3. running with a dog!!!! (even if it only lasts a few days) and him following me around EVERYWHERE. I love this.

4. the birds chirping on this sunshiney day.

5. breaking the rule. going to McDonalds today (Big Mac's are the best) with Dad and Grandpa and watching Jesh working behind the counter. (proud of him! He is a hard worker and God has good things ahead for him!)

6. those wind-chimes which always seem to start going off when I start writing praises.

7. confirmations. Knowings that those things that God has laid on my heart, these are the things that God wants us to live out and do well for Him! He loves to see us a live! (A good example of this and someone who has taught me this is my wonderful friend Talitha! Her blog can be found on the right of my screen under, "the heart of a teenage bride"

8. I am thankful because I actually feel thankful and this is something I was praying for!

Yesterdays Praises: (I was not home)
Thank you Jesus for :
1. the great beautiful long drive down Pettis to work when I go
2. long walks with studly Max Garter, Emily Nicholson, and jay (ok, James) Deeren
3. the dog. that slept all night long. good and hard. no whining at all.
4. really loud fans to sleep to.
5. coffee in the morning.

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