Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Post from 2 years ago

Dear tiny bud,

it is not yet spring and yet you have been trying to pull open the little bell that is still closed around it's fragrance. Stop doing that. You will open in time. it is not yet time. I have appointed a time. Just because the spring has not yet arrived and laid it's song in you, just because it is not warm enough yet for your branch which I have placed you on to nourish and move you to be more to be open and different then you are does not mean there is a problem with your bud. It is not yet spring. You will open i the spring. You are a garden locked up, and I cannot wait to show you what will happen when you are awakened. Be still, tiny bud. Be still. Be as you are. Do not fear. Do not worry. You are beautiful, and small, and a tiny tiny thing. I have big hands. I can whisper to tree. I am the tree. I have planted the roots. I am the soil.

I saw a caterpillar once that looked very much like you and it has turned into a small cocoon. I heard him grieving his form, all shriveled and gel-like. He had heard the powerful voice of relatives that had told tales of becoming something else beyond the cocoon, so loud and beautiful in their wings. You have seen them yourself, vibrant and vast and in flight. but the caterpillar had never felt the wind in it's wings and never looked in a mirror and seen himself so beautiful and ... so at times, just some days, some seasons, it was very hard to believe it would ever happen. Do not fear. Do not worry. You have not been given fear and worry. Your Father knows what you need even before you say the words. Be still, and know, the Gardener is near you tiny bud. Be a bud. Be a bud. Wait. Shh.

The Gardener


Anonymous said...

Funny, I remember reading this.
Thanks Chels. You amaze me.

April said...


crystal said...

this is beautiful chels