Thursday, April 21, 2011

I was encouraged most yesterday by the man who prayed so honestly,
"GOD THIS SUCKS! I don't get it! I do not understand. AND YET I trust you! and I ask for your care and your protection over the Taatjes family."

Because it's how I feel often. and how I want to learn to pray better. Because so often I feel like we must hold our insides tight together instead of letting them spill out, and we must be grateful and rejoice in all things even when we do not feel it. I believe that. I believe that we are not to wallow in self pity or in our feelings of "suckiness." But I do believe we must say all of it. outloud. to God. and then let Him repair our desperate weak frame- and there will be scars, there will be scars. But, He will seal them with needle and thread and shine through our broken hearts.

"He is near to the brokenhearted. He holds our tears in a bottle. He hears when we cry out." - Psalms.

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