Thursday, February 04, 2010

One, is like dream come true

I think one of the most important things in my relationship with Jesus is to
stand with Him.

next to him.
to look at things he'd look at.
to walk where he'd walk.
to say what he'd say.
and I can't do this if I do not know him.
I can't do this with out

become a student of him.

God has plopped on my brain in the last 6 months how important oneness is
oneness of mind
oneness of heart
because there is definite conflict when my heart is not with God's heart

and when there is no conflict and I am still seeking after God's heart then I know
I am with Him, (right?)

1 peter 3 has sort of been a meditation for Danny and I -
and in that word it says to "sympathize with one another" and

"Be of one mind."


"if the house is divided against each other, how can it stand?" - Matthew


"if two disagree, how can they keep going the same way?" - Amos

For me to be of one mind with God, it means I must know him. His heart. His desires. I must respect him enough to want to become as he is. I must give up myself in order to become like He is. And that is the hard part. The part about giving up self to follow God.

I'm realizing this in love
we have to learn to become of one mind so that we can walk on ahead together
and I cant change anyone
and I cant change myself, so sometimes I just lift up my hands and say God, if I am wrong, change me because
I want your way
which means I must surrender to God
and have to be patient
and wait
because if you are one with a person
you have to ask God to move
and walk in faith
and wait

because timing is God's
and movement will happen in God's time

I want to be one with Him.

so, I surrender to His way, and ask His spirit to move
and show me his way
and I ask
and so God will.

1 comment:

Elle Watsizzle said...

yes, I know Leslie thru some friends, and yes! I know you silly girl. haha. It's Lauren Watson... it's been a super long time since I saw you though. we met at your bro's house loooong time ago thru ehem, Aaron K. haha.