Saturday, June 01, 2013

Every good and perfect gift is from God.... All is grace.

I am so blessed beyond belief and so protected by The Lord and I receive so much for which I do not deserve.

I hear her strained words and I remember

I remember being Without a DAddy. Just serving a God who was angry and condemning.

Each movement strained, her beautiful face so deliberate and set. Each word thought through and set. Servant, yes. Daughter. Lover. Little one, child? No.

it is at times fearful to let go of my first view of God. To rest in him as if he is such, abba, Father, daddy, Papa.. But he ASKS us, commands us even to be come as children and refers to his face as Father

I have learned the words "abba, daddy" in the last few years and they have saved me. To need, to search, to weep, to be dependent and unable on my own. These words and knowing their meaning, they've saved me.

He can be strong when we are so weak. How he loves his children.

I depend on his words
Nothing can separate me from his love
He's removed my sin from me
As far as the east is from the west
His mercies are new every morning
He forgives all my sin
His love is everlasting

I at one time challenged his promise. His gospel. I set aside all the rules I had created for myself to be a good Christian and I let myself be a child. I asked God to show me that he still loved me even if I had let go of all duty and simply clung to his promise and His son.

I learned that to read the word and to pray, to fast, it is secondary to receiving the love of Abba freely.

And then I was free to pursue my DAddy Abba without it being with intention to win his love


That changed me.

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