Sunday, May 12, 2013

His eyes sincere and yet the forecast across them questioning and afraid the word like and yeah yeah leaving your lips periodically clothes stained with beautiful artwork done with bleach fabric paint handmade stencils

I know you believe
Even if he knows you do not
I hear the gentle in your voice box and the hope you hold stronger than the rest of us tidy people with lives in shape

Those with chaos must hold tighter to Jesus
This is why God lets us tidy folk be brought low
So that our hands have to cling and we see the weak parts of our knees
This I believe

Your hands claw at Jesus with need

It makes me glad

Though the weather of your eyes
Unsure of the world around you

You told me today
There is always more to learn about our God

And you
You are willing to leave a woman you love to be with someone who believes in your Jesus

1 comment:

J.K. English said...

those with chaos must cling closer to Jesus

I love that.
and I love your writing.