Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I rubbed her feet and she leaned her head back on the chair and told me about the stroke and the monastery and the East side of the state and I remember some things, like about the monk-son and the daughter in Cali working with troubled children

mostly I remembered her saying that

one thing she told her children was
to live a life that is full is to bless intentionally each person you come into contact with

she asked me, sweetie, how old are you because she wondered at me questions and my serious thinking and my determination to love well

live a life that is full by blessing each person you come into contact with

Mommy T (Mother Theresa)
she said this as well. She said don't worry about loving everyone and doing everything.
she said to love one.


one one

one one one
one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one
one one one one one one one one one one one one
one one one one
one one one


it's obnoxiously numerous
and that is how you build your treasure and lay your life down
and impact this world
and love God by loving others
and loving others as you love yourself

I may have done some good in Bangladesh or Mali Africa
but, Jesus continually simplified his instructions to us and said to love God and love others as you love yourself

I've been trying to run from the numbers for a few years now, the numbers of responsibility
the people I feel responsible to love
and how God has blessed me with an answer, by giving me a gift of one that he asks me to love as He loves him...

I haven't written much lately.
Perhaps its because I have started my career as a stylist
or because my boyfriend put a ring on my finger and became my fiance

God has whispered that I can now focus my love
the love he has put in me
on Him
and on a few others
and on those in my chair

I pray over the heads of those that I shampoo
I dream I make lists I cook I try to make time to paint

I am becoming who I am supposed to become and when I get comfortable then God reminds me
that this life is not for comfort it is for pouring out
for repenting and refining each section of my house
my life
my thoughts
my actions
to reflect him

and how I fail.

And there is One, above the other ones that I must love most
and he has called me to that this year
called me back to him
He's beckoned me to read Matthew right now
and asked for more of my time
and asked me to drive the speed limit
and asked me to slow down

it seems I've always multitasked
always tried to love the person in front of me while doing something else
and he's asked me to slow myself
to be like a weaned child, to still and quiet my soul (Ps. 131:2)

Challenge me this year to be slow
to love the One, and one at a time
and pray for me in 2012 to learn to love the one that I am marrying as well as I can.

missed you all.
glad to be back.


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