Friday, June 03, 2011

Thank you.

I've had a hard time getting to a computer this busy week... so here is a longer list of what Ive been thankful for these last 5 days...

1. Sunshine, and the tell-tale sign of it on my skin.

2. The restful memorial day, a day that I felt so at rest and loved and well cared for by God and the people He's put in my life.

3. Chit-chatting under the covers with Jana, like we used to do in High School

4. Trust: That God does know where and who I will be living with in the fall, and the lesson of waiting even when I am clueless.

5. Max Garter. A man that I am learning to trust. A man of integrity. A man worthy. A man called. A man that is patient with me.

6. Josiah Gentry's heart. He's graduating tonight!

7. A wonderful job!! a place I am called to be! trust that God will lead me daily from here!

8. A hardworking Mom- a Godly example and inspiration of what God looks like in a woman!

9. Green grass, fields, stuff coming up out of the ground... :)

10. learning.


peregrinity said...

you do realize that if you are going to shutdown your FB account, then we have to be more diligent on contacting eachother. for REALS.

chelsmichal said...

ok ok ok! :)