Monday, February 21, 2011

when we gain something we must lose something else, it is the way of it. we cannot hold too many things in our hands, we are incapable. it is not something to be sorrowful about, but instead rejoice at the creation of change,the natural ebb and flow that life brings our way. we cannot protect so hard that which is not in our control and we must be willing to hold all things loosely

Kathy told me once of the rock she held in her hand, she held it so tightly that her palm began to sweat and her fingers began to shake and then, it came to nothing because when she opened up her hand the rock still sat there, quietly

without her tight grip, she could surely loose it easier she thought, she felt
and maybe it is true, but if we must hold something to tightly
then maybe it was never ours to keep in the first place

1 comment:

peregrinity said...

thanks again, for writing. happy to see it.