Wednesday, December 01, 2010

last year

around this time I was preparing to move to Alaska for a semester
and painting more than I have ever painted because God gave me this desire to

and I was asking God for money for Alaska and He gave me the exact amount I had asked for

and I have this itch again to paint and sell and use it
like Jamin told me a year ago, as my street corner
to litter the beauty of Jesus all over the walls of peoples homes
and I rather liked that thought

that this, the use of paint and oils and brushes could be my way of spreading his voice, his heart his feelings for his children

so God, I am asking for a renewed passion again for painting,
like last year

and I am recounting how faithful you were to me last year
because you say in one of my favorite passages

it is good to rise early in the morning and sing of his unfailing love
and to proclaim his faithfulness in the night - Ps 92
and it is night, so this is currently, appropriate.


Leslie said...

Chels, I love the way you write. I'm not sure you know how much your words encourage, inspire, and stick with me. I remember when you shared about Jamin calling painting your "street corner" and have thought about my massage table being my "street corner" on days when I lack the motivation to muster up my own passion for it.

I also remember one of the posts you just re-posted, about how God was pouring water onto the clay and softening it. It's such a beautiful image that has stuck with me. I even shared the image with Jason Holdridge and he used it during one of his messages at Impact. So, your blogs influence is rather far reacher. More so than I think you think :-)

You are such a lovely, incredible, person.

tali said...

love you babe. thank you, especially, for this post. it nourished me.
xo's. {looking forward to our get together!}