Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Tina and Al

I know at times it was not easy to have the J and I take over your house and eat all of your string cheese, green apples and tortilla chips and at times I am sure it was frustrating but you never stopped loving me.

Even when I yelled at you for being mad at me or when I just sat there while you guys chased after (...) or when I wasn't as helpful as I should have been or when I would cry at times and bore you with my stories and drop many small yellow cards in the prayer box and also I think I didn't clean your house a few times when I was supposed to and yet

you both were always inviting.

and I wanted to acknowledge that your love has indeed changed me
and I wanted to say this out loud because your hospitality for those three (4? 3?) months will never be forgotten

(I praise Jesus for showing me love through you)

and because I want to remember it so that someday when I see someone in need I can open up my arms to someone and invite them in and love them until they are lovable


thank you.
for being consistent people.
for loving unconditionally, even when I feel like a mess
for being level-headed and telling me what I need to hear.
for being dedicated to God's word.
for being normal. and relationally in love with Jesus.
thank you for fighting for me, for inviting me into your home at all times.
for continuing to open up your arms to me after I no longer eat all your string cheese, tortilla chips and green apples.
for calling when you don't hear from me for awhile.
for opening up every Tuesday
for continued feastings of string cheese.

the end.

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