I am going to get raw? right now.
Bethel, in devotions this morning spoke about FEAR
and how we as Christians should be facing our FEARS
and how FEAR is simply when we are FOCUSED on ourselves
Patient said yesterday, "we all believe lies... What are yours?"
Now, God has broomed away a ton of mine
but some of them
the ones that have those big thick claws
still poke deep into me
and have a tough time coming out
Because like P Ray says,
"Emotion is hard to remove from experience"
And TRUST - Karla says, flourishes in a relationship where a person feels loved.
AND God loves me.
you see, I love all you people and
you all love me.
and so,
I have nothing to be afraid of
and like I can get real and raw in front of God, I can also in front of you
because you unconditionally love me.
and to expose your sin your fear your illness
is to ask for healing
I want this gone
I want healing
and these, my friends... are my strongholds
[to be continued]
don't be mad.
i love you so much.
I'm not mad you silly one
your helping me
figure out my fear.
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