Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Kat came tonight, weeping
said she wants to kill herself
said she just wants to be where Marty is
said she has no friends

she kept hugging us, saying she couldn't wait til wednesday so she could see her friends
said she has nobody
except Jesus, Jesus was her friend

and I thought of Adam in the garden
with the living God and yet

because we need some skin I think, someone that resembles Jesus next to us being Jesus to us
a Jesus with skin, someone who can hold onto us and touch us and encourage us
someone who needs love too
because people need to be touched and loved and seen and heard

and Kat misses being touched and needed and pursued

and I am getting it more now
this companion thing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur presense is known.

and when you cut kats hair tonight...she smiled and smiled. She felt seen.

u r oh so cool